30 days Money-Back Guarantee if Ulcer Does Not Disappear within 14 days – Complete Ulcer Wound Healing.

Random Sharp Pain in the Stomach. Stomach Burning Sensation. Staying away from Spicy Foods. Chest Burn. Waking up in the Middle of the Night from Severe Stomach Pains. Constant taking of drugs to manage Ulcer pains. All symptoms of ulcer.

“I’m Kingsley by name, and for the last three years, the only thing I prayed for was to be finally free from Ulcer. Even if it’s just one day to not face the pain in my stomach, I will accept. That is why when I used this herbal solution and the ulcer disappeared I did not hide my joy. For over six months, no signs of returning. Ulcer has gone permanently!” 


Have you been battling Ulcer without Solution? Have you tried methods that you thought will finally give you freedom from Ulcer Pain, but nothing worked?

Our grand and great grand parents and relatives used the same ingredients in this Ulcer Herbal Formula and never battled Ulcer More than 3 days in their lives.

After over 2,450+ people used this same herbal ulcer cure, they have come back to testify about how they are now completely free from the pain of ulcer. The Herbal Formula healed all the Ulcer Wounds permanently in just a few days.

From Today, Using the Herbal Mixture, You will Be Able to Eat Foods like This Without Any Worry…

No fear of spicy foods.

You will get the Final Permanent Relief to Peptic Ulcer, Gastric Ulcer and Deodunal Ulcer so that the constant pain and stomach burn ends permanently

No more Gestid Suspension 👇

No more Gaviscon Dual Action. 👇

No more Omeprazole Tablets & Injection. 👇

All Ulcer Symptoms are guaranteed to permanently disappear within two weeks of using the natural herbs – without ever returning back – so that you can live your life comfortably as a normal human being  – without the terrible pain of ulcer.

If it does not happen, we refund you your money. Simple.

You will be able to…

Eat what you want to eat. 

Sleep how you want to sleep, 

…and never be afraid of Ulcer pains hitting you unexpectedly. 

That herbal formula that will help you do this is UP Herbal Solution (pronounced You-Pee). 

This herbal powder contains pure natural ingredients that have been tested to permanently relive you of all ulcer symptoms: 

Former Ulcer Patients who battled Ulcer for more than 3 years, five years and even seven to eight years are testifying about their freedom in the videos below…


That’s not all…some people who could not testify in the videos are chatting us through social media to testify about this cure…

All these are pure evidence that if you can start your Ulcer Treatment with UP Herbal Powder, within 14 days, Ulcer will be old story.

All with zero side effect.

What causes Ulcer in the first place, and how can UP Herbal Powder help you wipe it Away from the Root?

If you ask most people about Ulcers, they will tell you it happened because wounds started developing inside your stomach (or gut to be exact). Why the wounds started developing in the first place they may not be able to explain. 

Let us show you…

Inside your body,

there is something called the digestive system that helps you break down food when you eat and the food enters into your body.

For this digestive system to work well, your stomach needs to produce acid (chemicals) that will help break the food down into pieces that can be used by your body to satisfy hunger and help you grow healthy. 

But sometimes these acids can become too much. That is, your digestive system has more acid than necessary and it starts burning up parts of your digestive system causing those wounds that people tell you about. 

But it doesn’t stop there…

Normally, when this acid increases, God has already made it so that your stomach can automatically recover.


There is something called the “stomach lining” inside your digestive system. It is like extra water proof that covers the stomach, so that when this acid is produced and increases it does not cause you wounds (aka. Ulcers).

But because of one particular bacteria inside your stomach – medical experts call it “H. Pylori”…

Because of this H. Pylori that is like a very tiny ant inside your stomach, the “stomach lining” can no longer protect you from Ulcers again, 

That is because the H. Pylori is eating up the stomach lining that God put there to protect your stomach. When this happens, the stomach acid that is suppose to just break down your food will enter those holes in the stomach and cause you ulcer. 


That is why you will notice that people who have ulcers always complain of:

Now that you know what causes Ulcer, how can UP Herbal Powder help you? Three ways.

See the review from these former Ulcer patients… wonderful!! 👇 

The Complete Action for UP Herbal Powder happens in Four Stages to deliver complete Healing from Ulcers…

Stage 1

(1 – 4 days)

It will reduce excess stomach acid, so that you will stop feeling the excess pains you normally feel from ulcer wounds.

Stage 2

(5 – 7 days)

UP Herbal Cure will gradually start to kill the H. Pylori bacteria that is eating up inside your stomach causing you the ulcer wounds.

Stage 3

(8 – 11 days)

Using specific natural ingredients inside, UP Herbal Powder will begin to repair the stomach wounds that causes you those pains when the acid touches it.

Stage 4

(12 – 14/21 days)

At this stage UP herbal powder will perfect the process from stage 1 to stage 3. Depending on how long you have had ulcer, this may take 7 days+. 

Some of the problems Ulcer can Cause that must be treated if you want to enjoy long life and good health: 

Whether you have experienced some or all of them OR even if you’re experiencing them now as you read this page…

This is a solution that has worked for more than 2,000  Nigerian Men and Women and given them Permanent Relief from Ulcers…

When I saw it the first time, I thought it will be another one of those medicines that promise heaven and earth and do nothing to remove Ulcer. Today, I’m completely free from severe ulcer of eight years because I used this herbal medicine. All the pain, and discomfort that normally trouble me before, I cannot see anyone again. Thank you very much!

See even more testimonials via social media (WhatsApp  & Facebook) about how UP Herbal has cured multiple ulcers…

If you can start using your own pack of UP herbal powder, we are giving you a guarantee that…

And if you don’t see those things happening, call us to collect the price you paid for UP herbal powder back. No delay. 

We are giving you a 21-day 100% money back guarantee if you use this product and don’t see positive changes in your ulcer. All you need to do is to call us back and our agents will verify your purchase and send back your money with an apology. 

UP (You-Pee) Herbal Powder, has worked for more than 2000 people who tried it, that’s why we believe your case will not be different. 

More testimonials and reviews…

Sarah K., 42, Accountant, Abuja

(3 years ulcer gone)

“I’ve struggled with ulcers for about 3 years now. I started using UP Herbal Powder two months ago on after getting a recommendation from a friend. It took up to a week before I noticed any change, which was frustrating at first. But now, I can tell you that ulcer is an old story. When it did not wipe away ulcer after the first week, I was unhappy. I just continued because my friend encouraged me. Within two to three weeks, it was obvious that I did not have ulcer again. Now I can spicy food, I’m not waking up at night from discomfort anymore. Thank you.”

Amina B., 39, Nurse, Kano

(persistent ulcer gone in two weeks)

“After trying UP Herbal for about a month, I can tell you this is a miracle medicine. Ulcer of seven years is gone finally. All the burning in my stomach that used to make me cry in the night, the pain that used to wake me up from sleep, even all the foods that I used to run away from. Everything is now old story. Sometimes I wish I found it earlier because some of the medicines I tried as a nurse even caused me a little side effect because I needed something that cured me completely. It was a nursing student who recommended this to me, her name is Faridah. And till tomorrow I still thank her for this. It really works.”

Emeka O., 56, Teacher, Enugu

(one year+ ulcer gone)

“UP Herbal cured my Ulcer in just 2 weeks. Yes, the taste is not sweet, but if it is a cure to Ulcer you are looking for not taste, UP Herbal is what you need to get. After struggling with Ulcer for more than a year, trying different medications from hospitals, this is the only thing that worked from me. Please use H. Pylori if you want to cure your ulcer, that is all I can say.”



Currently, there are just about 82 packs of UP Herbal Powder remaining in the medical warehouse. Once these are exhausted, you may have to wait for the next two to three months for new ingredients to be sourced and processed before a new batch is released again for sale. 

Please if the Ulcer has turned into torment and is disturbing your life and livelihood, try to get at least one-two packs today before it is exhausted.

How much can you get a pack for today?

N16,500 (per pack)


There are no discounts.


But, if you buy up to two packs, we can give a deduction to N29, 000 instead of 33,000.


And if you’re buying three packs, you can get them at 42,000 instead of N49, 500.


This is the best we can do for you. 


Are you still wondering if UP Herbal will work for you as you expect?

With the kind of quality natural ingredients inside, the only way your ulcer doesn’t disappear is if you have another severe medical condition that is causing it. 


Do you think you have a more severe medical condition?

If not, get UP Herbal ulcer cure and be free from ulcer problems.


This is why UP Ulcer Cure is different:


Imagine the freedom you can get when Ulcer is finally gone. Use UP Herbal Powder Today. Don’t wait until the Ulcer Leads to Cancer.


You may have doubts that this will work for you

You may have doubts whether it is worth it…


But you cannot let that doubt stop you from trying a solution that CAN remove ulcer from your life completely.

Every single ingredient inside UP Ulcer Herbal cure was picked to target the exact causes of Ulcer and give you final freedom.

That’s why we are sure that you will also testify too like others.

If you are able to get it today, we will be giving you a free delivery to any location in Nigeria. ANY LOCATION. No extra charges. We will be paying the delivery agents from our own pockets so that you have no problems with getting this in your hands.

Please do not place order if you are not ready to receive your order within 3 days. 


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